And you thought the world of print was dead.
I've been trying to come up with a few zine ideas, having contributed a couple times for King Cobra last year (check out Tulip Weekly too). My biggest problem was finding people to get involved with, but now the time seems to be now.
I am officially announcing the start of submissions for the first Summer Teen Zine.
a few things to consider:
1) any type of work (essays, fiction, art, lists, pictures, etc.) that can be e-mailed will do.
2) send work to erik(dot)r(dot)fox(at)gmail(com)with the subject SUMMER TEEN ZINE and what category of work you are sending, as well as how many words it is.
3) as far as length goes, try to keep it around 1,000 words.
4) if sending a picture/work of art, keep in mind that i will be printing it off black and white.
5) the theme here is Love Letters. interpret how you will. if you love something, write about it; that's a love letter. take a picture of your favorite flower; it's a love letter. see where i'm going with this?
6) if yours isn't in the zine, it could be that it's being saved for another time.
7) oh, and also in the email, give your name and a brief bio.
Hello world!
5 years ago
I can't wait to get started.