Thursday, July 2, 2009

newspapers, pdf's, etc.

sheesh, tell me about it. summertime is in full effect, and things keep piling up.

i set out a number of goals for myself, but as usual i am falling behind. i'm busy. Mostly, i've been writing an article every other week for the Ball State Daily News.

In july i am fulfilling a long dream of playing drums for Rodeo Ruby Love during tour.

oh, and remember that Summer Teen Zine idea? i didn't think so. 'm turning it into a pdf. i have about three or four things submitted. you are welcome to add to it. please?

i've been getting a lot of music lately. here is a list of what has been spinning.

2. Caddywhompus
3. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimist
4. The Rolling Stones - Goat's Head Soup
5. Why? - Sand Dollars EP and Rubber Traits EP

also, keep watching Interview Project. it gets better each time.


  1. Erik anytime you're in the dirty south you can call it home.
    Besides Nashville deserves to be in Rodeo's tour, I have to say i'm disappointed it's not coming south.
    Nashville has a lot to offer. Besides you know 4 people down here, 3 of which can get you shows booked.

