Saturday, September 26, 2009

When I was in elementary school, I started a lot of bands. It's funny though, it was more just one band which reincarnated itself over and over again using different names, unbeknownst to us.
Everything we did sounded the same: very shitty. We had a walmart drum set which I'm pretty certain wasn't even ours. I had my uncle's old electric guitar.

I remember we had a song called, "Strange Vibrations".

The feeling of playing around in the garage and taking ourselves a little too seriously still resinates with me today. I feel it in the music I make now and probably will feel it in the future. It's a combination of feeling small and big at the same time, right and wrong, and complicated and simple. It's a good feeling.

I went Wednesday night to the Bishop, this new music venue on Walnut, to see Prayer Breakfast.
Prayer Breakfast is an interesting band to me. They're made up of five members who, in one way or another, have been a part of changing or shaping how I think about music. They've all been parts of things I've loved growing up: half-handed cloud, everything, now, Husband & Wife. Recently I've purchased solo records from both Vollmar and Mike Dixon (who's solo music is called Homecomings and is really really incredible). Jared runs a record label calledFlannelgraph and was the original owner of Village Green Records, where I saw some of the best live music I've ever seen and bought some of my favorite records.
So, naturally, I love Prayer Breakfast. Even the name is reminiscent of something I used to do and was a part of my life.

Anywho, Prayer Breakfast were a delight to watch. I can't exactly explain it though. Their music almost coorespondses with something which is inheritly a part of me; something that gets me really emotional and happy. It's a strange vibration. Or, better yet: it sounds sort of like what watching a sunset behind a cornfield feels like. Go listen to it.

continue reading...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I went downstairs around one in the morning to take some trash out. On my way to the dumpster I passed a rabbit and he ran off. I tossed my trash, and headed over to the steps to light up a few. On the way I passed the rabbit again, and again he ran off. God damn I thought, that rabbit must really think I'm trying to kill him. continue reading...